We are happy to answer your questions. If you can’t find an answer below, don’t hesitate to write to us at contact@rosport.com.
Rosport natural mineral water starts as rainwater that has seeped into the ground in the green area around the village of Rosport over a period of fifty years. This water, which filters through layers of earth and rock, is purified and filtered naturally. At a depth of 67 meters, the water is enriched with minerals and trace elements from the various layers of the earth’s crust. The mineral salts absorbed depend on the type of rock through which the water seeps. For example, water passing through more calcareous rock is enriched with calcium.
What makes Rosport’s natural mineral water unique is its natural carbonation with CO₂. This phenomenon is exclusive to Rosport, making the Rosport spring the only carbonated source in the Grand-Duchy.
Natural mineral water cannot be treated to make it drinkable. The only allowed manipulations are the filtration of iron, sulfur, and manganese, and the addition or removal of carbon dioxide.
The ROSPORT spring, which is naturally carbonated, is located near the production hall on the edge of the village of Rosport, along the river Sûre. Drawn from a depth of 67 meters, the water is filtered for over 50 years, which restores the purity of the rainwater and enriches it with valuable mineral salts.
Sources Rosport also operates a second spring, VIVA, located 300 meters from the first, which is free of natural CO₂. The groundwater layer feeding this spring’s well is located at a depth of 47 meters, giving this natural mineral water a different composition of mineral salts from the ROSPORT spring. Ideally mineralized, Viva contributes to wellbeing and supports the daily intake of essential minerals and trace elements.
Rigorous controls by Sources Rosport’s in-house laboratory, as well as various independent laboratories, guarantee the original purity of the natural mineral water.
Naturally carbonated mineral water is water that is naturally mixed with CO₂. No industrial gas is added. Deep within the Rosport earth, magmatic activity releases CO₂, which reaches the source via faults in the earth’s crust. Rich in CO₂, water containing carbon dioxide absorbs more mineral salts than still water. In the natural environment, CO₂ pressure is not linear; therefore, to ensure a constant level of carbon dioxide in natural mineral waters, it is first separated from the water (degasification) and then reintroduced under pressure (regasification) in a hermetically sealed circuit.
All are drinkable, but there are important differences:
Natural mineral water provides essential minerals and trace elements that perform many vital functions in the body, such as bone and teeth formation and hormone production. Sources Rosport’s natural mineral waters are rich in these elements, helping to meet daily requirements.
It is advisable to stay vigilant during extreme heat or exercise, as sweating causes loss of water and ions like:
Failure to replace lost water and electrolytes can lead to dehydration.
Consumer demand for lighter and more practical packaging remains high. To prevent consumers from turning to foreign brands often transported from far away, Sources Rosport decided to offer this type of container with a local recycling system to reduce its bottles’ carbon footprint.
Plastic, especially single-use PET bottles, has been a controversial topic in recent years. For over 13 years, the Luxembourg SME has been making environmentally responsible management decisions. Efforts since 2011 to reduce the weight of Rosport’s PET bottles and use eco-responsible packaging film are aligned with these considerations. The “I’m Eco” labelled packaging film, over 50% made from recycled materials, is also 100% recyclable. Simply sort it into the blue Valorlux bag.
Sources Rosport has also focused on using recycled materials for its PET bottles for many years. In 2014, an agreement with Valorlux and Plastipak ensured that Rosport’s PET bottles, collected via selective sorting, are recycled and used to produce new bottles. Rosport Viva, Rosport Classic and Rosport Blue bottles are made of recycled PET. With the 2024 redesign, featuring a more transparent PET, recyclability is optimized to turn old bottles into new ones.
Rosport’s environmental policy involves distributing products exclusively in the Grand-Duchy, minimizing transport routes from source to consumer and keeping bottles in a closed local circuit for better recycling. The same applies to the choice of suppliers, with Rosport working mainly with local suppliers.
Our glass bottles are returnable and can be reused up to 50 times. Once damaged, they are recycled. The local recycling circuit allows customers to return their empty returnable bottles with caps to the distributor. The bottles are then returned to Rosport, where they are removed from crates. Their caps are unscrewed and sent for recycling. Using a conveyor belt, the bottles and crates are separated and transported to washing stations. Each bottle is thoroughly washed at a very high temperature (72°C) in a dedicated machine to remove dirt, labels, glue, and bacteria. The clean bottles are then inspected for quality. Any bottle that does not meet the very strict quality criteria is automatically ejected for subsequent recycling. The clean bottles are refilled, labelled, and delivered to customers.
PET bottles are filled only once, and are then reintroduced by the consumer into the recycling cycle and thus into further processing, thanks to waste sorting. According to recent studies, using recycled PET bottles is just as environmentally friendly as using reusable glass bottles, if we take into account the energy consumed during manufacture and transport journeys.
Since there are no glass producers in Luxembourg, Sources Rosport imports glass bottles, resulting in significant energy consumption due to transport and repeated cleaning. PET bottles do not require such intensive processes. The advantage of glass bottles is their reusability.
In terms of ecology, PET bottles are also a good choice when bought, consumed, and recycled locally!
Waters recommended for infants under one year of age are labelled “Suitable for infant feeding” or in Frensh “Convient à l’alimentation du nourrisson” or in German “Geeignet für die Zubereitung von Säuglingsnahrung.” This label is reserved for bottled water that meets specific mineralization thresholds. Since Sources Rosport natural mineral waters are rich in mineral salts, they do not carry this label.
Our natural mineral waters have slight fluctuations in their dry residue. Since this value is not fixed, we do not indicate it on the label or website. For the latest information, please write to us atcontact@rosport.com.
White flakes in Viva mineral water are a result of mineral crystallization. Rosport Viva still water has a higher mineral content than other mineral waters. Occasionally, changes in temperature can cause minerals to form small white flakes and settle at the bottom of the bottle. This is a natural process and does not affect product quality or pose a health risk. There is also a note about this on the labels of our Viva bottles.
In hydrology, a spring is where liquid water naturally emerges from the ground. A spring often gives rise to a stream, brook, river, or other watercourse but can also be submerged in a stream, pond, lake, or sea.
Water can rise in the Earth’s crust due to warming or pressure from carbon dioxide.
Commercially exploited natural mineral water deposits, like those in Rosport, are drilled to depths of several hundred meters. The water either flows out under natural carbon dioxide pressure or is pumped to the surface.
Contrary to popular belief, natural mineral water does not come from “underground lakes.” It is found in pores and cracks in the rock and is constantly infiltrating. Therefore, the Rosport and Viva springs are unlikely to dry up.
The natural mineral water is bottled at the Rosport bottling plant.
5000 liters per hour, at a constant temperature of 12°C, are pumped from the source.
Air is injected into large vats so that the iron in the water changes shape and settle to the bottom. It is then filtered using quartz filters. This natural process softens the taste of the mineral water.
Natural carbon dioxide (CO₂), released in fluctuating quantities, is at first separated and temporarily stored in large reservoirs. The CO₂ is pressurized in a balloon-shaped tank and then liquefied at -30°C.
This is then evenly re-injected into the impregnation plant (4.5g of gas for Rosport Blue; 7.5g of gas for Rosport Classic) and the water is sent to the bottling plant where it is bottled.
All these stages take place in a hermetically sealed circuit to ensure that the original purity of the mineral water is preserved.
If stored in a dark, dry place, Rosport mineral water can remain drinkable for several years. However, to ensure consistent freshness for consumers, Sources Rosport has established a consumption limit, which is indicated on the label of glass bottles or printed on the neck of PET bottles.
For glass bottles, the water is labelled with a date that includes 18 months from the bottling date.
For PET bottles, due to the porous nature of the material and the gradual volatilization of carbon dioxide, the best-before dates are as follows: